Monday, April 26, 2010

Pregnancy Pitfalls

Ok, I know it has been a bit since my last blog, so I'll get one out there to catch y'all up. Being honest here for a moment, pregnancy is getting on my nerves a bit.

1. I AM TIRED. Like wicked flipping tired. Should get a little better now that my hours will be reduced.

2. What is the stinkin' point of eating if you can't enjoy the food! If you’ve ever experienced heartburn, God bless ya..... cause it sucks, truly sucks. All my food has a wonderful chalky/assorted berry flavor from my wonderful friend Tums. Thank God for Tums, and I mean I seriously thank the Lord for making a person who had such bad heartburn one day he created this wonderful, chewable, calcium enriched piece of joy.

3. One of the greatest things about being pregnant is no period! WRONG. I’m pretty sure I was unaware of the fact that you still leak stuff for a pretty decent portion of being pregnant. * Sigh * How’s that for a buzz kill ladies?!?

4. Sleeping. Not such an easy task these days. Actually, I’m almost becoming nocturnal in the sense that I seem to have no problem sleeping comfortably during the day… which is all very confusing to me.

5. “Husband annoying the crap out of you.” Everyone says I’m SO lucky to be pregnant during this time of year. Not during the cold, not during the heat blah blah …… oh yeah, well how about this is the time of year when your husband comes out of video game hibernation and can’t get his mind off of golfing, baseball and really ANY outdoor activity not to mention it’s the beginning of hockey playoff time. WTF. Yeah, perfect timing. (don’t get me wrong, I love all these things also, however when your pregnant and you want to do this or that instead or don’t care about the fun your man is having while your lugging around an extra 14lbs.….. this will make so much sense to you all)

Ok, there you are, some pregnancy pitfalls, enjoy.


  1. Haha at the hockey playoffs starting... I made some mention of how there is ALWAYS a hockey game on like EVERY. DAMN. NIGHT. and Nate was like "yeah, it's the playoffs, baby!"

    I was like. Hockey playoffs last like 6 months, dude. (okay, it's three. that's still excessive. Baseball playoffs dominate the tv for one month and that is reasonable.)

    And an extra 14 lbs? pshaw, dude. That's awesome. DOUBLE that and you'll have where I'm at.

  2. I am so proud of you for using "y'all" correctly. Pitfalls of pregnancy be damned, my roomie knows how to and does use "y'all." Correct spelling and all!
