Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Days Off!

Monday, my day off, and officially one of the best days of the week by a long shot. Oddly enough this particular Monday is going to be quite busy, but at least I can pass the day the way I would like. To start the morning off, Joe’s alarm went off 6 times… At that point I made the wonderfully comical journey of rolling over as a pregnant woman so that I can yell at my husband to get his ass out of bed and get to work. ( Then I can go back to sleep. On the side that I have now rolled over onto, cause I ain’t rolling back, even if it was more comfortable.) Me: “ Hunny, you think you should um get up now?” Joe: “ oh yeah…. I have a surprise for you.” Me: “ umm ok, what?” Joe: *snoring * ME: “Joe, what’s the surprise!?!” Joe: “ Oh yeah, I’m taking today off to finish the work we started on the baby room and be with you.” Me: “ Oh, that’s nice” (in my mind I’m thinking, did letting your alarm go off 6 times make this look like a REAL surprise OR just prove that you decided this “surprise” like 3 seconds ago because the sheets were oh so comfy this morning??!?! Totally would have been equally thrilled without being woken up every 10 minutes for an hour.)

Anyway, Joey took the day off and we did some errands first and then got straight to work on the baby room. Now everything is painted, touched up, polished and cleared out of the room so that tonight we can start the flooring! This is very exciting and hopefully I will have many pictures to post of this activity.

Odd/Funny moments Joe and I shared on our afternoon together:
1. As I was watching/ sort of helping him fold the laundry, Joe tells me how much he loves these izod socks that he has and how well they stand up to everyday pressures of being a sock. Then, almost at the same time, we bring up the fact that the guy in front of us at church was wearing izod pants! WHAT?!?!? Heheh We came to the conclusion that we both noticed this because his pants were actually way to tight for him so you had to look.
(BTW, Joe knows far to much about detergent, water temp. and wants to iron more than any male should, but I almost love him more because of it.)

2. While Joe was trying to reset our boiler so our hot water would come back on, I was on the couch resting. Joe comes upstairs with a beer and shit-grin on his face. Me: “did you fix it?” Joe: “yeah I just needed to hold the button in a little longer than normal.” ME: “ oh? Is that why is sounded like a spaceship was landing in the basement?!” Joe: “ hehehe, yeah that was a little loud huh? You should have seen all the black smoke bellowing out from there!” Me: “what?!?!?”

Baby news: Monday was our 32 wk visit to the doctors. Baby heartbeat 154, mama's blood pressure 120/80 the “ideal” blood pressure as the doc said. I also got yelled at for not putting on enough weight. Only 2lbs in 4 weeks, so I gotta get on that. But folks, I eat, all the time, when I’m hungry and even when I’m not!!! The doc just said I have a small baby but it’s still growing at a normal rate to how many weeks I am. Here is where I say…. If baby is healthy and growing fine, then I see nothing wrong with a “smaller” baby!!!

This week in doggie news, Boyd, our first born, is now a night-crawler hunter! That’s right folks, our 98lb black lab will dig a whole in the woods and find night-crawlers!! I think this is quite incredible and skillful if you ask me.

Now I have to pay bills, go to bank and post office, then off to grams house to work on a genealogy tree that her cousins are currently trying to finish up :-)

1 comment:

  1. 2lbs in 4 weeks is FINE. At least that's what my doc told me when I was pregnant with Fi... with her I didn't gain ANYTHING between week 30 and week 37.

    This time around it's not quite going the same way though...
