Monday, April 26, 2010

Baby Shower!!

I know this is my second post in one day, watch out, but I didn't want to decrease the excitement of the baby shower with sharing a blog spot with pregnancy pitfalls.

The baby shower was amazing!!! Nancy did a fabulous job decorating, planning games, food and the cutest cake ever!!! ( made by the same lady who did my wedding cake, pics soon) It was wonderful to see family and friends that I haven't even since I've been pregnant and share the belly bump with them:-)

Joe and I received EVERYTHING we could need to bring a happy little baby into this world. Going through all the gifts together really made everything seem like the real deal AND was wicked fun. Now that most of our bigger items are assembled and I've sorted through all the clothes.... tomorrow will be spent washing baby clothes and organizing where everything is to go in the room.

Overall a pretty awesome day for some excited parents :-)

1 comment:

  1. Yay for baby shower!!! We're not having one this time, but I pulled out all the teeny baby clothes and started getting them all washed and folded today... got my cloth diapers all prepped (I'm using organic unbleached cotton prefolds for the newborn stage, how hippie am i?!?!?!), got Nate to carry the cradle downstairs for me... now I just need to pull the rest of the crap (swing, boppy, bouncy seat, etc) out of the basement and I think we'll be good to go.

    Try to make sure and get plenty of relaxation in!!!
